How to remove id3 tags from filename

Remove All Mp3 Tags

[Mp3 Tagger] – [Delete All ID3 Tags] – Shortcut Key [Ctrl+F5]
Select one or more files from the list.
Program deletes all ID3 Tags artist, tile etc. including image files (cover art and other images) and lyrics.
Note that ID3v2 tag may have more then one image file as you can see from the screenshot.
Using this options is very useful specially if you want to be sure that no tags are left after removing.

Remove or change specific Mp3 Tag (artist, album, genre, year etc.) from Change/Replace/Remove Tags Dialog

[Tools]-[Change/Replace/Remove Tags] – Shortcut Key [Ctrl+R]


With this options you can remove or replace specific tag (artist, title, album etc) on one or multiple mp3 files.
For example you can change(replace) existing album, genre, year etc. for one or several files making order in your Mp3 library.
Select check boxes for tags that you want to change end enter new value for tag.

Remove or change specific Mp3 Tag (artist, album, genre, year etc.) from Edit Id3 Tags window

[Edit Id3 Tags]
In Edit ID3 Tags window you can also change any tag for specific file. If more then one file is selected program will change tags with the new string value that has been entered into edit box for specific tag.