Category Archives: How To

How to use Zortam Mp3 Media Studio

How to remove duplicate Mp3 files

[Search Mp3 Libray] – [Search For Duplicate Mp3 Files] – Shortcut Key [Ctrl+D]

Search for duplicate mp3 files using one of the options:

1. By Filename – searching is done using filename attributes file size and using the name of the file.
If file size and name of the file are matched we assume that file is duplicate.

2. By Artist and title tags – searching is done using artist and title from ID3 tags.
If artist and title tags are matched file is assumed to be duplicate.


To remove duplicate Mp3 files use option:

After duplicated files are found they are preselected in dialog. You can remove them from Mp3 Library or delete them physically from hard drive.


How to add cover art to Mp3 file

Check out Zortam YouTube Tutorial

Check Zortam YouTube Tutorial

You can add an image in one of several ways:

» Download album image using auto tag processing
[Tools] – [Send to auto tagger] – Shortcut Key [Ctrl+Z]

» Download album image using album art finder
[Tools] – [Send to cover art finder] – Shortcut Key [Alt+F2]

Cover Art Dialog

Cover Art Dialog

» Copy image from other applications and paste it to Edit ID3 Tags in the image window
[Edit ID3 Tags] – [Image Menu] – [Paste Image]

Paste Image To Image window

Paste Image To Image window

» Import album art from image files
[Tools] – [Add album art from image file ] – Shortcut Key [Alt+Z]
[Edit ID3 Tags] – [Image Menu] – [Add Image]

 Import album art from image files

Import album art from image files

How to normalize volume of the mp3 file

Default volume for normalization is 89.0 dB. You can see it on status line. You can change it to another values then 89.0 dB at Options-Normalization-Target Volume.

It is always good to make undo track volume, before going with another target volume if files are already normalized.

Zortam is using mp3gain ( for normalization process.



How to add lyrics to Mp3 file

You can add lyrics by yourself or it can be downloaded from the Zortam database. Lyrics is saved within ID3v2 tag so it can be viewed on any device including your mobile phone and/or any Mp3 player that supports ID3 tags  (there is a lot of them).

1. To download lyrics select files which you want to find lyrics and select from menu
[Tools] – [Send To Lyrics Finder] – Shortcut Key [Alt+F1]. Program will search for lyrics
using Zortam Music database and update lyrics ID3 Tag.

2. To download lyrics and cover arts select files which you want to find lyrics and select from menu
[Tools] – [Send To Lyrics And Cover Art Finder] – Shortcut Key [Alt+F3]. Program will search for lyrics using Zortam Music database and update lyrics ID3 Tag.

3. To download lyrics, cover arts and other Mp3 tags ( artist,title,album etc.) select files which you want to find lyrics and select from menu
[Tools] – [Send To Auto Tagger] – Shortcut Key [F4]. Program will search for lyrics
using Zortam Music database and update lyrics ID3 Tag.

4. You can add lyrics by yourself from [Edit ID3 Tags] window



How to create and manage playlist

To create playlist:

Just select files and drop them to the playlist.


Enter the name of the playlist

You can also select files and press Crtl+Alt+S to save files to playlist.

To edit song order in playlist select playlist mouse right click menu “Manage Playlist” or  press Ctrl+Alt+M.