Category Archives: How To

How to use Zortam Mp3 Media Studio

Zortam Mp3 Media Studio at July Edition



Zortam Media Studio je všestranný pomocník pro automatizaci práce s hudebními soubory, který ušetří spoustu práce. Plná verze – Chip 07/2016.

Domácí hudební knihovny obsahují tisíce skladeb, které je třeba manuálně přejmenovávat a nastavovat jejich informace. Proč nenechat organizaci na šikovném programu?

Zortam MP3 Media Studio PRO je odborníkem na práci s MP3 soubory a na organizaci vaší hudební knihovny. Ušetří uživatelům značný kus práce díky svým automatickým funkcím, kterými dokáže hromadně přidávat obaly alb a zjišťovat MP3 tagy skladeb, na jejichž základě přejmenuje i samotné soubory. Mezi další nástroje patří například výpočet rychlosti skladby BPM (úhozů za minutu), hromadná normalizace hlasitost či integrovaný MP3 přehrávač se zobrazením slov skladby a s vizualizátorem v reálném čase. Pro automatizaci ripování z hudebních CD program nabízí kompletní řešení tvorby MP3 souborů, včetně obalu alba, slov, MP3 tagů a adekvátního jména souborů. Pro lepší organizaci lze skladby řadit dle libovolných parametrů a využít funkcí na mazání duplikátů a na export celé MP3 knihovny do dalších programů nebo do textových souborů pro tvorbu playlistů.


Zortam Media Studio is a versatile assistant to automate your work with music files, which saves a lot of work. Full version – Chip 07/2016.

Home music libraries contain thousands of songs that you must manually rename and adjust their information. Why not let the organization to conveniently program?

Zortam Mp3 Media Studio Pro is an expert in working with MP3 files and organize your music library. This saves users considerable work thanks to its automatic functions, which can collectively add album covers and MP3 tags to identify songs based on which renames itself and files. Other tools include calculation speed tracks BPM (strokes per minute), mass normalization volume and an integrated MP3 player is displaying words and songs in real-time visualizer. To automate the ripping of CD music program offers a complete solution for creating MP3 files, including album art, words, MP3 tags and filenames adequate. For better organization you can sort songs according to any parameters and use functions for deleting duplicates and to export the entire MP3 library into other programs or into text files for creating playlists.


How to calculate the Beats Per Minute (BPM) of song

What is Beats Per Minute (BPM) of song and why is it important?

For example if you want to create playlists with similar tempo first you need to calculate BPM of your Mp3 files.

If you need reference on the average BPM of any genre of music normally spun by DJ’s then use the list below as reference:

  • dub/reggae: 60-90 bpm
  • downtempo/chillout: 90-120 bpm
  • deep house: 120-125 bpm
  • house: 120-130 bpm
  • tech house: 120-130 bpm
  • electro house: 125-130 bpm
  • progressive house: 125-130 bpm
  • trance: 130-135 bpm
  • dubstep: 130-145 bpm
  • techno: 130-150 bpm
  • hard house: 145-150 bpm
  • jungle: 155-180 bpm
  • drum and bass: 165-185 bpm
  • hardcore/gabber: 160-200 bpm

These are just some rough estimates. You could assume that an average track within each genre will fall in this range, but there are always outliers.

Use the program options [Tools]-[Send to BPM Analyzer]. Shortcut key is Alt+F9.
The program also enables batch processing of BPM.

How to calculate the Beats Per Minute (BPM) of a song from the program?

Usually calculation process of single Mp3 files takes about 1-2 seconds. After the BPM (Beats Per Minute) calculation it is possible to sort your Mp3 collection and after that you can easy select files and create your “Tempo” playlists.

How is Beats Per Minute (BPM) of a Mp3 calculated?

Listen to the song and pay close attention to the beat. The easiest way to do this is to close your eyes, relax, and feel the pulse of the song. Tap your foot or your fingers or nod your head to this pulse.

  • If you have trouble with this, try to isolate the drums from the rest of the instruments and the vocal track. If you are new to this, try first with the instrumental version of the song if it’s available, as it’ll make things easier.
  •  Look at a clock with second hands. Alternately, use a stopwatch (most phones have them). When you’re sure you’ve got the rhythm of the song happening, count those beats—your head nods, foot taps, or finger snaps—for 15 seconds.

    • Take the number of beats you counted, and multiply by 4 to get the number of beats in a whole minute.
    • For example, if you counted 24 beats in 15 seconds, multiply 24 by 4 = 96. The song’s tempo is 96BPM. You multiply by four, because 60 seconds divided by 15 seconds = 4.
    • To increase accuracy, count beats for longer periods of time and calculate the rate accordingly. Using the same song as in the previous example, if you counted for 30 seconds instead of, you might have counted 50 beats instead of 48, which means the tempo is just a little faster: 50 x 2 = 100. (Multiply by two because 60 seconds divided by 30 seconds = 2.)

The BPM of a song depends on the song, as faster songs will have more beats per minute than slower songs.

How to remove id3 tags from filename

Remove All Mp3 Tags

[Mp3 Tagger] – [Delete All ID3 Tags] – Shortcut Key [Ctrl+F5]
Select one or more files from the list.
Program deletes all ID3 Tags artist, tile etc. including image files (cover art and other images) and lyrics.
Note that ID3v2 tag may have more then one image file as you can see from the screenshot.
Using this options is very useful specially if you want to be sure that no tags are left after removing.

Remove or change specific Mp3 Tag (artist, album, genre, year etc.) from Change/Replace/Remove Tags Dialog

[Tools]-[Change/Replace/Remove Tags] – Shortcut Key [Ctrl+R]


With this options you can remove or replace specific tag (artist, title, album etc) on one or multiple mp3 files.
For example you can change(replace) existing album, genre, year etc. for one or several files making order in your Mp3 library.
Select check boxes for tags that you want to change end enter new value for tag.

Remove or change specific Mp3 Tag (artist, album, genre, year etc.) from Edit Id3 Tags window

[Edit Id3 Tags]
In Edit ID3 Tags window you can also change any tag for specific file. If more then one file is selected program will change tags with the new string value that has been entered into edit box for specific tag.