How to add lyrics to Mp3 file

You can add lyrics by yourself or it can be downloaded from the Zortam database. Lyrics is saved within ID3v2 tag so it can be viewed on any device including your mobile phone and/or any Mp3 player that supports ID3 tags  (there is a lot of them).

1. To download lyrics select files which you want to find lyrics and select from menu
[Tools] – [Send To Lyrics Finder] – Shortcut Key [Alt+F1]. Program will search for lyrics
using Zortam Music database and update lyrics ID3 Tag.

2. To download lyrics and cover arts select files which you want to find lyrics and select from menu
[Tools] – [Send To Lyrics And Cover Art Finder] – Shortcut Key [Alt+F3]. Program will search for lyrics using Zortam Music database and update lyrics ID3 Tag.

3. To download lyrics, cover arts and other Mp3 tags ( artist,title,album etc.) select files which you want to find lyrics and select from menu
[Tools] – [Send To Auto Tagger] – Shortcut Key [F4]. Program will search for lyrics
using Zortam Music database and update lyrics ID3 Tag.

4. You can add lyrics by yourself from [Edit ID3 Tags] window
